Tens of thousands of children are being left in limbo by a crisis in the family court system as a result of care proceedings and parental separation cases taking more than a year to resolve, the Law Society of England and Wales has warned.

Worryingly, in 13 out of the 42 designated family judge areas in England and Wales, the wait is double the recommended government target of 26 weeks.

Cafcass currently has 31,961 open children’s cases, with 52,276 individual children affected.

Read in full: https://www.lawsociety.org.uk/contact-or-visit-us/press-office/press-releases/children-left-in-limbo-by-family-courts-crisis


By Jack

2 thought on “Children left in limbo by family courts crisis”
  1. As parents we love our children .Our family was targeted by a lie coming from a head teacher .to social services which led to fabricated lies and harrasment.They make things worse because we were black. Through institutional discrimination we had four of children removed from us into care to date

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